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Kate Grieve is the Scientific Director of the Paris Eye Imaging unit.

Since 2014 she has been responsible for development and application of in vivo high resolution ocular imaging technologies at the Quinze Vingts National Ophthalmology Hospital and Vision Institute. She is a leading specialist in both full field optical coherence tomography, in collaboration with Claude Boccara and team at the Langevin Institute, and in adaptive optics technology, as a postdoc with Austin Roorda at UC Berkeley and Martin Booth at University of Oxford, and in current collaboration with Ethan Rossi at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and Serge Meimon at ONERA. She has successfully completed and is currently principal or co-investigator on various ANR, European Research Council, FFB and internally funded grants to develop optical imaging technologies for ophthalmology and vision applications. In addition to her academic activities, she has worked in industry as an optical engineer, commercializing innovative retinal imaging technologies. In 2020 Kate was awarded a 5 year ERC Consolidator Grant to develop optical imaging of retinal function for gene and cell therapies. In 2021 she was named INSERM Research Director at the Vision Institute.


Imagerie 3D en direct : la tomographie par cohérence optique dynamique

14th August 2024 ,

Dynamic full-field optical coherence tomography module adapted to commercial microscopes allows longitudinal in vitro cell culture study

Tual Monfort, Salvatore Azzollini , Jérémy Brogard, Marilou Clémençon, Amélie Slembrouck-Brec, Valerie Forster, Olivier Goureau, Sacha Reichman, Olivier Thouvenin, Kate Grieve
Nature Communications
28th September 2023

Interface self-referenced dynamic full-field optical coherence tomography

Tual Monfort, Salvatore Azzollini , Tasnim Ben Yacoub, Isabelle Audo, Sacha Reichman, Kate Grieve, Olivier Thouvenin
Biomedical Optics Express
22nd June 2023

Dynamic optical coherence tomography for cell analysis

Biomedical Optics Express
15th June 2023

Automatic diagnosis and classification of breast surgical samples with dynamic full-field OCT and machine learning

Jules Scholler, Diana Mandache, Marie Christine Mathieu, Aicha Ben Lakhdar, Marie Darche, Tual Monfort, Claude Boccara, Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin, Kate Grieve, Vannary Meas-Yedid, Emilie Benoit a la Guillaume, Olivier Thouvenin
Journal of Medical Imaging
1st June 2023

Twenty-five years of clinical applications using adaptive optics ophthalmoscopy

Jessica I. W. Morgan, Toco Y.P. Chui, Kate Grieve
Biomedical Optics Express
January 2023

Compact orthogonal view OCT: clinical exploration of human trabecular meshwork and cornea at cell resolution

Slava Mazlin, Kristina Irsch, Vincent Borderie, Christophe Baudouin, Michel Paques, Mathias Fink, Kate Grieve, Claude Boccara
12th September 2022

Characterization and Analysis of Retinal Axial Motion at High Spatiotemporal Resolution and Its Implication for Real-Time Correction in Human Retinal Imaging

12th July 2022

Time-lapse imaging of geographic atrophy

Michel Paques, Nathaniel Norberg, Celine Chaumette, Florian Sennlaub, Ethan A. Rossi, Ysé Borella, Kate Grieve
22nd June 2022

Adaptive glasses wavefront sensorless Full-Field OCT for high-resolution in vivo retinal imaging over a wide FOV

Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC)
June 2022

Imaging the structure and dynamic activity of retinal microglia and macrophage-like cells in the living human eye

Yuhua Rui, Daniel MW Lee, Min Zhang, Valerie C Snyder, Rashmi Raghuraman, Elena Gofas, Pedro Mecê, Sanya Yadav, Pavan Tiruveedhula, Kate Grieve, José-Alain Sahel, Marie-Hélène Errera, Ethan A Rossi
15th June 2022

Design of a radial multi-offset detection pattern for in vivo phase contrast imaging of the inner retina in humans

Elena Gofas, Yuhua Rui, Pedro Mecê, Min Zhang, Valerie C. Snyder, Kari V. Vienola, Daniel M. W. Lee, José-Alain Sahel, Kate Grieve, Ethan A Rossi
Biomed. Opt. Express 13, 117-132 , 15th June 2022

Multi-modal and multi-scale clinical retinal imaging system with pupil and retinal tracking

Muhammad Faizan Shirazi, Jordi Andilla, Nicolas Lefaudeux, Claudia Valdes, Florian Schwarzhans, Marine Durand, Konstantinos Ntatsis, Danilo Andrade De Jesus, Luisa Sanchez Brea, Kiyoko Gocho, Josselin Gautier, Christina Eckmann-Hansen, Marie Elise Wistrup Torm, Abdullah Amini, Stefan Klein, Theo Van Walsum, Kate Grieve, Michel Paques, Michael Larsen, Pablo Loza-Alvarez, Xavier Levecq, Nicolas Chateau, Michael Pircher
Scientific Reports - Nature Publishing Group
10th June 2022

Dynamic full-field optical coherence tomography allows live imaging of retinal pigment epithelium stress model

Kassandra Groux, Anna Verschueren, Céline Nanteau, Marilou Clémençon, Mathias Fink, José-Alain Sahel, Claude Boccara, Michel Paques, Sacha Reichman, Kate Grieve
Communications Biology - Nature Publishing Group
10th June 2022

Pilot investigation of multimodal and multiscale retinal imaging technology developed by a trans-European multidisciplinary consortium

Kiyoko Gocho, Nicolas Lefaudeux, Claudia Valdes, Jordi Andilla, Muhammad Faizan Shirazi, Florian Schwarzhans, Konstantinos Ntatsis, Luisa Sanchez Brea, Danilo Andrade De Jesus, Marie Elise Wistrup Torm, Christina Eckmann-Hansen, Abdullah Amini, Kate Grieve, Pablo Loza-Alvarez, Michael Pircher, Michel Paques
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science
1st June 2022

Imaging retinal microglial cell dynamics in healthy and diseased eyes in vivo with adaptive optics

Yuhua Rui, Daniel MW Lee, Min Zhang, Valerie Snyder*, Ethan Rossi*, Elena Gofas, Pedro Mecê, Rashmi Raghuraman, Sanya Yadav, Pavan Tiruveedhula, Kate Grieve, Marie-Hélène Errera
1st June 2022

Detecting inflammatory cells in patients with Multiple Sclerosis using AO-SLO phase contrast imaging

Elena Gofas, Celine Louapre, Nathaniel Norberg, Ysoline Beigneux, Michel Paques, Catherine Vignal Clermont, Kate Grieve
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science
1st June 2022

Clinical uses of time-domain FF-OCT in anterior eye

Ophthalmic Technologies XXXII, 23rd March 2022

Compact multimodal TD-FF-OCT+ SD-OCT device for diagnosing clinical cases in anterior eye

Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XXVI
3rd March 2022

Optical phase modulation by natural eye movements: application to time-domain FF-OCT image retrieval

Slava Mazlin, Peng Xiao, Kristina Irsch, Jules Scholler, Kassandra Groux, Kate Grieve, Mathias Fink, Claude Boccara
Biomed. Opt. Express 13, 902-920
1st February 2022

Reactivating the phototransduction cascade by universally applicable gene therapy preserves retinal function in Rod-Cone dystrophy

Cardillia-Joe Simon, Hanen Khabou, Marion Finzi, Antoine Chaffiol, Kate Grieve, Nathaniel Norberg, Anais Grimaud, Dennis Eickelbeck, Marco Rucli, Mélissa Desrosiers, Serge Sancho, Vera Bonilha, Saddek Mohand-Said, Jens Duebel, Serge Picaud, José-Alain Sahel, Isabelle Audo, Stefan Herlitze, Deniz Dalkara
17th January 2022

Retinal axial motion analysis and implications for real-time correction in human retinal imaging

1st January 2022

Optical phase modulation by natural eye movements: application to time-domain FF-OCT image retrieval

Slava Mazlin, Peng Xiao, Kristine Irsch, Jules Scholler, Kassandra Groux, Kate Grieve, Mathias Fink, Claude Boccara
18th October 2021

Assessing Photoreceptor Status in Retinal Dystrophies: From High-Resolution Imaging to Functional Vision

José-Alain Sahel, Kate Grieve, Chloé Pagot, Colas Authié, Saddek Mohand-Said, Michel Paques, Isabelle Audo, Karine Becker, Anne-Elisabeth Chaumet-Riffaud, Line Azoulay, Emmanuel Gutman, Thierry Léveillard, Christina Zeitz, Serge Picaud, Deniz Dalkara, Katia Marazova
American Journal of Ophthalmology
Elsevier, 1st October 2021

High-resolution retinal imaging over a large field-of-view with adaptive-glasses Full-Field OCT

Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science
23rd August 2021

Adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO) measures in USH2A-related retinal degeneration

Jacque Duncan, Zendi Liang, Joseph Carroll, Jenna Cava, Jessica Wong, Michel Michaelides, Angelos Kalitzeos, Isabelle Audo, Kate Grieve, Nathaniel Norberg, Michel Paques, Allison Ayala, Travis Porco
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science
21st June 2021

Multi-modal and multi-scale retinal imaging with angiography

Muhammend Faizan Shirazi, Jordi Andilla, Marina Cunquero, Nicolas Lefaudeux, Danilo Andrade De Jesus, Luisa Sanchéz Brea, Stefan Klein, Theo van Walsum, Kate Grieve, Michel Paques, Marie Elise Wistrup Torm, Michael Larsen, Pablo Loza-Alvarez, Xavier Levecq, Nicolas Chateau, Michael Pircher
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science
21st June 2021

Measurement of retinal sensitivity and directionality in myopes with modified microperimetry and multimodal imaging approach

Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science
21st June 2021

Adaptive-glasses Full-Field OCT for high-resolution retinal imaging over a large field-of-view

Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science
21st June 2021

Non invasive live imaging of a novel retinal pigment epithelium stress model with Dynamic Full-Field Optical Coherence Tomography

Kassandra Groux, Anna Verschueren, Céline Nanteau, Marilou Clémençon, Mathias Fink, José-Alain Sahel, Claude Boccara, Michel Paques, Sacha Reichman, Kate Grieve
19th June 2021

Adaptive optics ophthalmoscopy: a systematic review of vascular biomarkers

Elise Bakker, Felix Anne Dikland, Roan van Bakel, Danilo Andrade De Jesus, Luisa Sanchez Brea, Stefan Klein, Theo van Walsum, Florence Rossant, Daniela Castro Farías, Kate Grieve, Michel Paques
Survey of Ophthalmology
Elsevier, 6th June 2021

Assessing photoreceptor status in retinal dystrophies: from high resolution imaging to functional vision

José-Alain Sahel, Kate Grieve, Chloé Pagot, Colar Authié, Saddek Mohand Saïd, Michel Paques, Isabelle Audo, Karine Becker, Anne-Elisabeth Chaumet-Riffaud, Line Azoulay, Emmanuel Gutman, Thierry Léveillard, Christina Zeitz, Serge Picaud, Deniz Dalkara, Katia Marazova
American Journal of Ophthalmology
14th May 2021

Automatic diagnosis and biopsy classification with dynamic Full-Field OCT and machine learning

Thouvenin O, Jules Scholler, D Mandache, MC Mathieu, AB Lakhdar, Marie Darche, T Monfort, Claude Boccara, J Olivo-Marin, Kate Grieve, VM Yedid, Ebal Guillaume
3rd May 2021

High Resolution Multi-Modal and Multi-Scale Retinal Imaging for Clinical Settings

MF Shirazi, J Andilla, CP Valdes, N Lefaudeux, D andrade De Jesus, L Sanchez Brea, S Klein, T Van Walsum, Kate Grieve, Michel Paques, M Torm, M Larsen, P Loza-Alvarez, X Levecq, N Chateau, M Pircher
Bio-Optics: Design and Application
12th April 2021

Enhancing contrast of in-vivo human retinal ganglion cells with multi-offset adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscope

Elena Gofas, Yuhua Rui, Pedro Mecê, Min Zhang, Valerie Snyder, Kari V Vienola, Daniel Lee, José-Alain Sahel, Kate Grieve, Ethan Rossi
12th April 2021

Adaptive glasses wavefront sensorless full-field OCT for high-resolution retinal imaging over a wide field-of-view

5th March 2021

Retinal curvature correction with coherence gate shaping for full-field OCT high-resolution retinal imaging over a wide field-of-view

5th March 2021

Dynamic full-field optical coherence tomography of retinal pigment epithelium cell cultures to model degenerative diseases

Kassandra Groux, Jules Scholler, Anna Verschueren, Marie Darche, Leyna Boucherit, Pedro Mecê, Valerie Fradot, Jean-Marie Chassot, Sacha Reichman, Michel Paques, Claude Boccara, Olivier Thouvenin, Kate Grieve
5th March 2021

Adaptive-glasses time-domain FFOCT for wide-field high-resolution retinal imaging with increased SNR

1st November 2020

Attenuation outer retinal bands on optical coherence tomography following macular edema: a possible manifestation of photoreceptor misalignment

Michel Paques, Florence Rossant, Lucia Finocchio, Kate Grieve, José-Alain Sahel, Alexandre Pedinielli, Sarah Mrejen
1st November 2020

Multimodal imaging of pre-Descemet corneal dystrophy

Munirah Alafaleq, Cristina Georgeon, Kate Grieve, Vincent M Borderie
Sage Journals
September 2020

Coherence gate shaping for wide field high-resolution in vivo retinal imaging with full-field OCT

Biomedical optics express
1st September 2020

Dynamic full-field optical coherence tomography: 3D live-imaging of retinal organoids

Jules Scholler, Kassandra Groux, Olivier Goureau, José-Alain Sahel, Mathias Fink, Sacha Reichman, Claude Boccara, Kate Grieve
Light Sci Appl 9, 140 (2020)
17th August 2020

Optical Incoherence Tomography: a method to generate tomographic retinal cross-sections with non-interferometric imaging systems

August 2020

Super-resolution in-vivo retinal imaging using structured illumination ophthalmoscopy

Yann Lai-Tim, Laurent Mugnier, Lea Krafft, Antoine Chen, Cyril Petit, Pedro Mecê, Kate Grieve, Michel Paques, Serge Meimon
30th July 2020

Dynamic Full-Field OCT to image RPE cell cultures.

Kassandra Groux, Jules Scholler, Anna Verschueren, Marie Darche, Olivier Goureau , José-Alain Sahel, Mathias Fink , Michel Paques, Claude Boccara, Olivier Thouvenin , Sacha Reichman, Kate Grieve
Dynamic Full-Field OCT to image RPE cell cultures. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2020;61(7):1867.
June 2020

High resolution structural phenotyping of intermediate and advanced non-neovascular age-related macular degeneration.

Chiara Eandi, Valerie Snyder , Kate Grieve, Kunal Dansingani , Jay Chhablani, Grace Eddy, Andrew Eller, Joseph Martel , Thomas Friberg , Wei Chen, Yvette Perry Conley , José-Alain Sahel, Michel Paques, Ethan Rossi
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2020;61(7):210.
June 2020

A new method for visualizing drusen and their progression in adaptive optics ophthalmoscopy.

Nathaniel Norberg*, E Rossi*, C Eandi, V Snyder, Kate Grieve, K Dansingani, J Chhablani, Sarah Mrejen, J Martel, José-Alain Sahel, Michel Paques
June 2020

Adaptive Optics SLO motion correction assisted by image similarity. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2020;61(7):227.

Danilo Andrade de Jesus , Luisa Sanchez Brea, Kate Grieve, Michel Paques, Nicolas Lefaudeux, Theo van Walsum, Stefan Klein
May 2020

Corneal stromal stem cells restore transparency after N 2 injury in mice. Stem Cells Translational Medicine 2020.

D Ghoubay , M Borderie, Kate Grieve, R Martos
7th May 2020

Real-time non-contact cellular imaging and angiography of human cornea and limbus with common-path full-field/SD-OCT.

Slava Mazlin, Xiao P , Jules Scholler, Irsch K, Kate Grieve, Fink M, Claude Boccara
Nature communications 11(1), 1-14

Attenuation Outer Retinal Bands on Optical Coherence Tomography Following Macular EDEMA

Michel Paques, Florence Rossant, Lucia Finocchio , Kate Grieve, José-Alain Sahel, Alexandre Pedinielli, Sarah Mrejen
A Possible Manifestation of Photoreceptor Misalignment
7th January 2020

Multimodal Imaging Features of Schnyder Corneal Dystrophy.

Ghazal W, Georgeon C, Kate Grieve, Bouheraoua N, Borderie V
J Ophthalmol 2020.
31st December 2019

Dynamic full-field optical coherence tomography: 3D live-imaging of retinal organoids. arXiv preprint.

arXiv:1912.04052, 2019 (in review Light: Science and Applications 2020).

New article published in IEEE Transactions in Biomedical Engineering

"Highlighting directional reflectance properties of retinal substructures from D-OCT images" IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering ( Early Access ) February 2019.
November 2019

Near infrared adaptive optics flood illumination retinal angiography

Elena Gofas, Pedro Mecê, Laurent Mugnier, Aurélie Montmerle Bonnefois, Cyril Petit, Kate Grieve, José-Alain Sahel, Michel Paques, Serge Meimon
"Near infrared adaptive optics flood illumination retinal angiography," Biomed. Opt. Express 10, 2730-2743 (2019)
1st June 2019

Higher adaptive optics loop rate enhances axial resolution in nonconfocal ophthalmoscopes

"Higher adaptive optics loop rate enhances axial resolution in nonconfocal ophthalmoscopes," Opt. Lett. 44, 2208-2211 (2019)
1st May 2019

Probing dynamic processes in the eye at multiple spatial and temporal scales with multimodal full field OCT

Jules Scholler, Viacheslav Mazlin, Olivier Thouvenin, Kassandra Groux, Peng Xiao, José-Alain Sahel, Mathias Fink, Claude Boccara, Kate Grieve
"Probing dynamic processes in the eye at multiple spatial and temporal scales with multimodal full field OCT," Biomed. Opt. Express 10, 731-746 (2019)
1st February 2019

Multimodal imaging of pre-Descemet corneal dystrophy. European J Opthalmol, 1120672119862505, 2019.

Alafaleq M, Georgeon C, Kate Grieve, Borderie V

In vivo near-infrared autofluorescence imaging of retinal pigment epithelial cells with 757 nm excitation

"In vivo near-infrared autofluorescence imaging of retinal pigment epithelial cells with 757 nm excitation," Biomed. Opt. Express 9, 5946-5961 (2018)
1st December 2018

Directional variability of fundus lesions in acute macular neuroretinopathy

Retin Cases Brief Rep. 2018 Fall;12 Suppl 1:S19-S24. doi: 10.1097/ICB.0000000000000701.

Adaptive optics ophthalmoscopy: Application to age-related macular degeneration and vascular diseases

Michel Paques, Serge Meimon, Florence Rossant, David Rosenbaum, Sarah Mrejen, Florian Sennlaub, Kate Grieve
Prog Retin Eye Res. 2018;66:1-16.
1st September 2018

Adaptive optics opthalmoscopy of dry age-related macular degeneration and vascular diseases

Prog Retin Eye Res. 2018 Sep;66:1-16. doi: 10.1016/j.preteyeres.2018.07.001. Epub 2018 Jul 17.
September 2018

New prospects in Adaptive-Optics Flood-Illumination retinal imaging

Adaptive Optics: Analysis, Methods & Systems, 2018 OTh4C. 4

High loop rate adaptive optics flood illumination ophthalmoscope with structured illumination capability

Elena Gofas, Pedro Mecê, Cyril Petit, J. Jarosz, Laurent Mugnier, Aurélie Montmerle Bonnefois, Kate Grieve, José-Alain Sahel, Michel Paques, Serge Meimon
Appl. Opt. 57, 5635-5642 (2018)
10th July 2018

In vivo high-resolution human retinal imaging with wavefront-correctionless full-field OCT

Peng Xiao, Viacheslav Mazlin, Kate Grieve, José-Alain Sahel, Mathias Fink, Claude Boccara
Optica 5 (4), 409-412.
20th April 2018

Fixational eye movement: a negligible source of dynamic aberration

Biomedical Optics Express 9 (2), 717-727.
1st February 2018

In vivo high resolution human corneal imaging using full-field optical coherence tomography

Viacheslav Mazlin, Peng Xiao, E. Dalimier, Kate Grieve, K. Irsch, José-Alain Sahel, Mathias Fink, Claude Boccara
Biomedical Optics Express 9 (2), 557-568.
1st February 2018

Detection and Tracking of the Pores of the Lamina Cribrosa in Three Dimensional SD-OCT Data

ACIVS 2017, Antwerp, Belgium, September 2017
Antwerp, Belgium, 23rd November 2017

Stromal striae: a new insight into corneal physiology and mechanics

Kate Grieve, D. Ghoubay, C. Georgeon, R. Bocheux, G. Latour, M. Borderie, A. Nahas, TM. Nguyen, MC. Schanne-Klein, F. Andreiuolo, Vincent Borderie
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 13584 2017.
19th October 2017

Cell motility as contrast agent in retinal explant imaging with full-field optical coherence tomography

Olivier Thouvenin, Claude Boccara, Mathias Fink, José-Alain Sahel, Michel Paques, Kate Grieve
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2017;58:4605???4615. DOI:10.1167/iovs.17-22375
September 2017

Automated Analysis of Directional Optical Coherence Tomography Images

ICIAR'17, Montreal, Canada, July 2017, vol. LNCS 10317, pp 524-532
Montreal, Canada, 2nd June 2017

Full-field OCT technique for high speed event-based optical flow and particle tracking.

X. Berthelon, G. Chenegros, N. Libert, José-Alain Sahel, Kate Grieve, R. Benosman
Opt Express. 2017. 29;25(11):12611-12621.
29th May 2017

Pupil motion analysis and tracking in ophthalmic systems equipped with wavefront sensing technology.

Serge Meimon, J. Jarosz, Cyril Petit, Elena Gofas, Kate Grieve, JM. Conan, B. Emica, Michel Paques, K. Irsch
Appl. Opt. 2017. 56, D66-D71.
20th March 2017

New Parameters in Assessment of Human Donor Corneal Stroma

M. Borderie, Kate Grieve, D. Ghoubay, C. Georgeon, C. De Sousa, L. Laroche, Vincent Borderie
Acta Ophthalmol. 2017. doi:10.1111/aos.13351
30th January 2017

En face coherence microscopy

Olivier Thouvenin, Kate Grieve, Peng Xiao, Claude Boccara
Biomed. Opt. Express 2017; 8, 622-639, special issue OCT. Invited paper.
10th January 2017

Imaging Microscopic Features of Keratoconic Corneal Morphology

Kate Grieve, C. Georgeon, F. Andreiuolo, AL.
Cornea. 2016;35(12):1621-1630. doi:10.1097/ICO.0000000000000979.
25th August 2016

Appearance of the retina with full-field optical coherence tomography

Kate Grieve, Olivier Thouvenin, A. Sengupta, Vincent Borderie, Michel Paques
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016;57:OCT96???OCT104. DOI:10.1167/iovs.15-18856
10th July 2016

Three-dimensional structure of the mammalian limbal stem cell niche.

Kate Grieve, D. Ghoubay, C. Georgeon, Olivier Thouvenin, N. Bouheraoua, Michel Paques, Vincent Borderie
Exp Eye Res. 2015 Nov;140:75-84. doi: 10.1016/j.exer.2015.08.003. Epub 2015 Aug 20
November 2015
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